Speccy ClassiX 1998
Speccy ClassiX 98.iso
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97 lines
Version Date Comment
V1.0 14/02/95 Initial release
V1.0a 19/02/95 Thanks to Greg Fitch, for doing some impromptu beta-
testing of DFB on a 68000, who located many bugs!
Bug fixes in ReadDFB now means it can also run on a 68000
based machine. A problem with one of DFBUser's requester
has now been fixed. In dfb.library TimeToAscii &
DateToAscii have been fixed, also an oversite in
GetUser has been fixed, a routine to Add/Modify user
has been enhanced.
In DFBSection, clone section now works on a 68000
also a small bug which could save the wrong readings of
the cycle gadgets has been fixed.
DFBPrefs, when creating the file base and file_id.dizs
are off, no longer checks whether the files exist or
not - speeding up installation enormously.
v1.0b 05/03/95 In DFBPrefs ratios 2 & 3 are now around the right way for
enhanced members. DFBUser should now be more stable.
Now there is only one registered file to get: dfb.library
DFBArchivers now doesn't crash if you try to restore or
backup files when you haven't set the backup file
When checking a user's information from ReadDFB the first
conference ratio's stats are shown as opposed to the
sum of all the conference ratios (which was generally a
useless result and didn't add up anyway).
When changing file listing direction in ReadDFB it
missed a file - this has been fixed.
ReadDFB now excepts the numbers 8,2,4,6 as up, down
left and right for those that don't have the arrow keys.
Bonza's recommended files for use with DFB
Dmsdescript V1.1 By Re/Y\o (/Y\ystic/X-DeSign)
Txtextract V1.3 By Spy (Mystic/X-Design)
Exedescript v1.0 By Re/Y\o (/Y\ystic/X-DeSign)
Lha Its unlikely u run a bbs & dont have this!
Unzip/Zip Which ever version u get....
Diz-Ed V2.00 ⌐1994 nocTurne deSign/Origin
/\/\apus By Eniac - everyone has this...
Zipcheck By ???? - just adds zip comment & tests integrity
Txtadders There are stacks of these around, i use
SSP_TXTADD V1.0 - this is for /X like all of them
but works with MAX'S as it doesnt try to add
uploader, date etc. just your BBSads :-)
DFB needs the following dos files in your c: directory (they _should_
be there anyway):
copy, delete.
Currently DFB has been found to be incompatible with some requester
replacement programmes. Namely: ARQ and possibly MagicFileRequester (MFR).
As far as I know DFB works with all versions of MAXs BBS above 1.50.
(Versions below this I consider obsolete.)
A few people have found problems with DFB not finding files (generally in
certain sections).
First of all, when DFB uploads a file it uses the file path found in the
DFB section editor. When DFB searches for a file it uses MAXS File paths.
Remember to include trailing '/'s on file paths in both programmes!
Also if you do edit MAXS file paths you *must* reset your computer before
DFB notices the changes.
Users not getting upload credits but download credits are fine? Make sure
your ratio type is set to byte not credit.
The boxes in ReadDFB's sysop file editor to indicate: offline, deleted etc
may not look right on your machine.
Currently there are about 22,595 lines of assembly code in the DFB project.